Day Opening & Closing

Opening Day

You can open your day from the POS as well as from the Admin Panel.


  • Login to your POS.

  • Punch your first order and your new day is opened.

Admin Panel

  • Login to your Admin Panel.

  • Go to Inventory > Dashboard.

  • Here you will see the button to open the day if your day is closed.

Closing Day

You can easily close your day from your POS.

  • Login to your POS.

  • Click on the Top Right “Button”.

  • After clicking on it, you will be asked for your Admin username & password.

  • After the day is, closed you will have your whole sales summary.

  • Your Sales Summary will be printed from your thermal printer if any thermal printer is connected to your POS and it will also be shown on your POS screen.

After closing and printing all of your required things, scroll down to the very bottom of the page and you will see a button saying “Dismiss”. Click on that and you will be redirected to the login page.

Now you have successfully closed your day.

After clicking on dismiss, you won’t be able to see or print your sales summary. If you want to see your sales, log in to your Admin Panel. Go to Reports > Sales Statistics. Here you can see your whole report history.

Last updated