KDS Roles, Usages & Workflows

Our Kitchen Display system is not just another interface of the order window or order screen. It’s a complete Operational System that helps you move way faster than your conventional mean.

Considering the requirement of how people work in the kitchen, we designed our KDS to match any kind of process without changing their workflows. Our KDS has the following key areas:

  1. Machine Role

  2. KDS Profile

  3. Order Manager

  4. Kitchen Status

  5. Kitchen Action

Machine Role

A KDS Machine Role is to set whether the KDS Client is used for Kitchen Display or for the customer. See the screen below to see the difference:

To set or change the KDS Role, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to Admin Area/Backend

  2. Go to KDS from the left menu

  3. Select Manager from the tabs on the top

  4. Click on the ‘Edit / Pencil‘ icon and a modal box will appear

  5. Set the role as per your requirement and click update to save changes

KDS Profile

One of the key features of our KDS is the KDS Profile system. Each Machine/KDS Client is assigned a KDS Profile. This profile is configured carefully to define its functionality.

Read this documentation to create a KDS Profile.

In your KDS Profile, you have 3 Items: Kitchen Status, Kitchen Action & Order Manager.

Kitchen Status

Kitchen status is to display what to show on KDS Screen.

Kitchen status is what kind of menu items will be displayed on the screen.

Kitchen Action

A Kitchen Action is what to perform when Green Button is pressed.

Order Manager

This is the role that we assign to a manager. There are 3 roles as stated below, but first have a look at the flow:

Last updated